Saturday, December 4, 2010

MaxPax Greets Horace

Arrived safely in Australia Saturday at 8:30 a.m. after 14 hours 14 minutes crossing the Pacific. They were holding a sign saying "MaxPax Greets Horace" the names of two of the puppets we used to have in the church's puppet ministry in Valatie, NY when I was 10-12 years old. Holding the sign was Richard and Rhonda Sampson, old and dear friends from my father's church who moved to Australia when I was 13. So that means we haven't seen eachother in 32 years! But I recognized them right away, although I'm sure I've changed a lot more than they have!

We drove a bit into Sydney and took a short hour-long harbour ferry tour into some of the little coves that make up the beautiful city's heart. Sailing vessels galore, in spite of the light drizzle. We drove a few minutes to the Sampson's daughter Rachel's place outside of Sydney to have some lunch and meet the hubbyand granddaughters, then drove the 4 hours to Port MacQuarie along the coast in New South Wales.

It's hot and humid here, and its been rainy here this week. And this morning we took a half-hour walk along the beach before breakfast, came back for waffles and yogurt, then got ready for church.
After church a group of the folks went out for Chinese food, and now we're headed out to see the local Koala Rescue Center in town, where Richard volunteers weekly, giving tours for the tourists who come to this little, but growing seaside town.

I'll post some pix when I get back!

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