Sunday, December 19, 2010

There and Back Again

We made it safely to Auckland. We stopped early yesterday morning in Matamata to visit the film location of Hobbiton, which was truly amazing. Because of the alleged filming in the next months of another film we were all asked to sign a nondisclosure confidentiality agreement that we would not disclose anything we saw on site to anyone - even on the internet. So as much as I'd love to, I cannot share those photos. Suffice to say-- the level of detail, the attention to minutia, the character, the artistry -- was evident everywhere. Folks who have visited Matamata even six months ago saw almost nothing to compare. You'll have to ask to see the pics personally.

It was a light drizzle most of the tour, and as we got back to the farm itself, we watched a short sheep shearing demonstration, where we learned the top shearers in the world can do several hundred per 8-hour shift. The champion can do one every 30 seconds, although I feel sorry for the poor sheep getting a rough haircut that fast. It looks like it hurts plenty.

Since it was starting to rain harder, we ate our lunch at the Shire's Rest Cafe, hoping to get some cool souvenirs, but they had surprisingly little to sell there. We got lamb burgers with mint jelly and chips (fries).

Still hoping to get souvenirs from Hobbitton, we drove back to Matamata looking for a shop, but alas, it was Sunday and everything was closed! BUT there was a gypsy caravan of craftsmen and artists on the town green, all dressed like the aging hippies they are, traveling together for 8 months across both islands, selling their wares, living on the road, out of their fantastic gypsy caravan vehicles, each one completely decked out it all its weirdness, with handcrafted ship's prows, crows's nests, and things that were actually metal, all painted to look like ancient gypsy wagons. We found a few treasures there.

Then we just had to drive the 2 hours north to Auckland. It's quite a nice large city, divided highways and all. It was still raining, so we went straight to the Campervan return dealer, and swapped it for a small car (which I was glad to discover was an automatic!). Then it was off to the last campground, where we had reserved a cabin with our own kitchen, where we used up all our leftovers for a nice picnic supper: a canned peppersteak soup, cheezy bread sandwiches with turkey, cheddar cheese, avocado, mustard, tomato, and a fresh strawberry, kiwi, and banana yogurt salad.

Today (Monday already here) we're flying home. We are planning to drive to the north of the bay to meet up with Katie's professor contact who has been working on some research that is closely related to her major project this past semester. Our flight leaves at 3:10 pm, and we're trying to repack all our stuff into the same size bags as we brought here, which is quite a challenge.

So, unless unexpected weather delays our arrival, we'll be at the Harrisburg airport at 10 pm, Monday. Shortly thereafter, I can get on my own computer and finally dress up and add the right photos to these posts.

the idyllic farmland in Matamata

The Shire's Rest Cafe, on the Alexander Farm, film location of Hobbiton

One of the reasons they chose this farm was because from the middle of it, you can look in any direction and not be able to see anything manmade.

Feeding the lambs after the tour

Eating our lunch at the Shire's Rest Cafe

The Gypsy Caravan Fair of arts and crafts in Matamata

Our last night was spent in this tiny cabin where we packed and repacked for our trip home. Here Perry and Katie are re-reading a thesis on restorative / substantive justice she wanted to refresh her memory on, before meeting the professor in the morning before our flight home.

Our "kitchen cabin"at the Top Ten Holiday Park in Auckland.

- Geoffrey
Location:New Zealand

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