Monday, December 6, 2010

Tim Tams and Pavlova

Two new words for the day, and delicious sweeties to eat! Today was a very busy day (but that's the best way to beat travel lag). We took a morning little party boat trip up the canals and river in town, then a little lunch, a trip to visit the Sampson's friend Rod Cole, a potter who has perfected a very difficult crystalline glaze technique and now has a very successful studio sales shop outside the town.
I may have bought a few gifts there. Can't say.
Then we were invited to have tea with some of Sampson's friends in town, and Rhonda made the most amazing treat: Pavlova. It's a dreamy light merangue (sp?) dessert topped with real whipped cream and seasonal fruit. Since its Christmas we had it with Strawberries and kiwifruit, plus a drizzle of passion fruit.
Amazing and light and creamy! Yummy.
Our hostess Denise had set out a plate of Tim Tams as well, just in case Rhonda's Pavlova didn't turn out (they're extremely touchy things) and they're a delicious chocolate enrobed cookie. Something like an Elf Sandwich, maybe?

We had a lovely bit of a piano concert first, I played a few carols to sing along to, and the ladies did a raucous, hilarious duet. We ended up singing silly camp songs after tea, then walked home and packed up for a quick visit to the beach. We planned a little walk and possibly a swim. The sun was setting inland, so the beach was all in the shade and the quite hot daytime sunshine was gone so it was a quick and brisk dip. We were back at the house at 7:15, and we had a light supper in front of the telly. I was nodding off by 9:00 so I retired to my bottom bunk.

The koala was still in the tree in the yard when we got back, but this morning he was gone.


  1. Glad you got to experience two important sweets. You are now all the more "cultured."
