Friday, December 17, 2010

Nelson to Wellington

Today we took the scenic route through wine country to the Ferry crossing at Picton. We passed miles and miles of beautiful vineyards. It was pouring down rain the whole time, so I didn't get any photos. At the ferry we only had to wait a half hour til loading time, then the 3.5 hour cruise across the channel. The ferry was huge, and had a lounge for sleeping, one like a food court, and a private bar. It stopped raining so hard so I got a few photos of the crossing.
Arriving in Wellington at about 4:30 we rushed to the Te Papa museum of Maori culture and New Zealand history and art. It was closing at 6:00 so we will probably go back tomorrow to see some more. It started raining again, so we walked to a nearby shopping district that had mostly covered sidewalks, but all the shops were closed! Doesn't anyone in New Zealand have after-work Christmas shopping to attend to? So we found a Chinese place open, had some supper and then drove over to the campsite in the next town up called Lower Hutt.

Tomorrow we hope to drive north to see some sites and end up near Hobbiton (actually a little farm country called Matamata.  We'll see how far we get!

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